
doc. RNDr. Jan Lang, Ph.D.

Tel.: 95155 2889, 95155 2602, 95155 2603
E-mail: jan.lang@mff.cuni.cz

Odkaz na fakultní stránku

Odborné zájmy

  • spektroskopie nukleární magnetické rezonance a zejména její aplikace založené na relaxaci jaderného spinu
  • struktura a dynamika organických supramolekulárních systémů a jejich součástí, zejména na bázi kalixarenu a kryptofanu
  • dynamika systémů vodíkových vazeb
  • využití NMR spektroskopie pro měření translační difúze tekutin v homogenním i porézním prostředí
  • dynamika biologických makromolekul


Odborný životopis

1989 – 1994

Magisterské studium na MFF UK v Praze, obor Fyzika, studijní směr: Fyzika molekulárních a biologických systémů

1994 – 1999

Doktorské studium na MFF UK v Praze, obor Fyzika molekulárních a biologických struktur (disertační práce: NMR study of structure and dynamics of partially rigid organic molecules, školitel: Prof. RNDr. Josef Štěpánek, CSc.).

1997 – 2011

asistent/vědecký pracovník na MFF UK - KFNT

1996 – 2006

odborný/vědecký pracovník na VŠCHT v Praze


habilitace v oboru Fyzika, zaměření Fyzika molekulárních a biologických struktur

od 2011

docent na MFF UK - KFNT  

Stáže v zahraničí

1993 – 1994

roční studijní pobyt na Kat. fyzikální, anorganické a strukturní chemie Stockholmské univerzity (Prof. J. Kowalewski).


půlroční studijní pobyt na Kat. fyzikální anorganické a strukturní chemie Stockholmské univerzity (Prof. J. Kowalewski).

od 2000

několik kratších pobytů (1 – 4 týdny) na Kat. materiálů a environmentální chemie (původní název Kat. fyzikální anorganické a strukturní chemie) Stockholmské univerzity (Prof. J. Kowalewski).

Seznam publikací

  1. Assies Lea, Fu Chaoying, Kovaricek Petr, Bastl Zdenek, Karolina, Lang Jan, Guerra Valentino L. P., Paolo, Orgiu Emanuele, Perepichka Dmitrii F., Kalbac Martin; Dynamic covalent conjugated polymer epitaxy on graphene; JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 7(39); 2019; 12240–12247; doi: 10.1039/c9tc03155c
  2. Buzek Daniel, Zelenka Jaroslav, Ulbrich Pavel, Ruml Tomas Krizova Ivana, Lang Jan, Kubat Pavel, Demel Jan, Kirakci Kaplan, Lang Kamil; Nanoscaled porphyrinic metal-organic frameworks: photosensitizer delivery systems for photodynamic therapy; JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B 5(9); 2017; 1815–1821; doi: 10.1039/c6tb03230c
  3. Šoltésová Mária, Elicharová Hana, Srb Pavel, Růžička Michal, Janisova Larisa, Sychrová Hana, Lang Jan; Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of water transport through the plasma membrane of various yeast species; FEMS Microbiology Letters 366(18); 2019; fnz220; doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnz220
  4. Dvořák Petr, Šoltésová Mária, Lang Jan; Microfriction correction factor to the Stokes–Einstein equation for small molecules determined by NMR diffusion measurements and hydrodynamic modelling; Molecular Physics 117(7-8); 2019; 868–876; doi: 10.1080/00268976.2018.1510144
  5. Brezina Vaclav, Ishihara Shinsuke, Lang Jan, Hanykova Lenka, Ariga Katsuhiko, Hill Jonathan P., Labuta Jan; Structural Modulation of Chromic Response: Effects of Binding-Site Blocking in a Conjugated Calix[4]pyrrole Chromophore; ChemistryOpen 7(5); 2018; 323–335; doi: 10.1002/open.201800005
  6. Vana Jiri, Lang Jan, Soltesova Maria, Hanusek Jiri, Ruzicka Ales, Sedlak Milos, Roithova Jana; The role of trinuclear species in a palladium acetate/trifluoroacetic acid catalytic system; DALTON TRANSACTIONS 46(46); 2017; 16269–16275; doi: 10.1039/c7dt03832a
  7. Blahut Jan, Bernášek Karel, Gálisová Andrea, Herynek Ví­t, Císařová Ivana, Kotek Jan, Lang Jan, Matějková Stanislava, Hermann Petr; Paramagnetic 19F Relaxation Enhancement in Nickel(II) Complexes of N-Trifluoroethyl Cyclam Derivatives and Cell Labeling for 19F MRI; Inorganic Chemistry 56(21); 2017; 13337–13348; doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02119
  8. Bernasek Karel, Grocky Marian, Burian Martin, Lang Jan; Stretched Gelatin Phantom for Detection of Residual Dipolar Couplings in MR Spectra and Data Analysis of Carnosine; Journal of Spectroscopy 2016; 2016; Article ID 4596542; doi: 10.1155/2016/4596542
  9. Vesely Martin, Bultreys Tom, Peksa Mikulas, Lang Jan, Cnudde Veerle, Van Hoorebeke Luc, Kocirik Milan, Hejtmanek Vladimir, Solcova Olga, Soukup Karel, Gerke Kirill, Stallmach Frank, Capek Pavel; Prediction and Evaluation of Time-Dependent Effective Self-diffusivity of Water and Other Effective Transport Properties Associated with Reconstructed Porous Solids; Transport in Porous Media 110(1); 2015; 81–111; doi: 10.1007/s11242-015-0557-y
  10. Peksa Mikulas, Lang Jan, Stallmach Frank; C-13 NMR study of diffusion anisotropy of carbon dioxide adsorbed in nanoporous DMOF-1; MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 205(SI); 2015; 11–15; doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.09.039
  11. Peksa Mikuláš, Burrekaew Sareeya, Schmid Rochus, Lang Jan, Stallmach Frank; Rotational and translational dynamics of CO2 adsorbed in MOF Zn2(bdc)2(dabco); Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 216(); 2015; 75 – 81; doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2015.02.043
  12. Soltesova Maria, Benda Ladislav, Peksa Mikulas, Czernek Jiri, Lang Jan; Determination of Size of Molecular Clusters of Ethanol by Means of NMR Diffusometry and Hydrodynamic Calculations; JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 118(24); 2014; 6864–6874; doi: 10.1021/jp501648x
  13. Takacs Z., Soltesova M., Kowalewski J., Lang J., Brotin T., Dutasta J. -P.; Host-guest complexes between cryptophane-C and chloromethanes revisited; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 51(1); 2013; 19–31; doi: 10.1002/mrc.3898
  14. Takacs Zoltan, Brotin Thierry, Dutasta Jean-Pierre, Lang Jan, Todde Guido, Kowalewski Jozef; Inclusion of Chloromethane Guests Affects Conformation and Internal Dynamics of Cryptophane-D Host; JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 116(27); 2012; 7898–7913; doi: 10.1021/jp303469x
  15. Divisova Hana, Lang Jan, Rotter Milos, Schmoranzer David; MEASUREMENT OF VISCOSITY IN SMALL VOLUMES OF FLUIDS BY TUNING FORK OSCILLATORS; EFM11 - EXPERIMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS 2011 25; 2012; doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20122501008
  16. Mackova Michaela, Himl Michal, Minarova Lenka, Lang Jan, Lhotak Pavel; Regioselective deuteration of 25,27-dialkoxycalix[4]arenes; TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 52(20); 2011; 2543–2546; doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2011.03.030
  17. Srb Pavel, Vlach Jiri, Prchal Jan, Grocky Marian, Ruml Tomas, Lang Jan, Hrabal Richard; Oligomerization of a Retroviral Matrix Protein Is Facilitated by Backbone Flexibility on Nanosecond Time Scale; JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 115(11); 2011; 2634–2644; doi: 10.1021/jp110420m
  18. Herynkova Katerina, Kusova Katerina, Cibulka Ondrej, Pelant Ivan, Lang Jan; SILICON NANOCRYSTALS WITH ORGANIC PASSIVATION: MORE EFFICIENT LUMINESCENCE FROM SILICON;; 2011; 18–24;
  19. Kusova Katerina, Cibulka Ondrej, Dohnalova Katerina, Pelant , Valenta Jan, Fucikova Anna, Zidek Karel, Lang Jan Englich Jiri, Matejka Pavel, Stepanek Petr, Bakardjieva Snejana; Brightly Luminescent Organically Capped Silicon Nanocrystals Fabricated at Room Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure; ACS NANO 4(8); 2010; 4495–4504; doi: 10.1021/nn1005182
  20. Takacs Z., Soltesova M., Kotsyubynskyy D., Kowalewski J., Lang J., Brotin T., Dutasta J. P.; NMR investigation of guest-host complex between chloroform and cryptophane C; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 48(8); 2010; 623–629; doi: 10.1002/mrc.2637
  21. Dolensky Bohumil, Kvicala Jaroslav, Paleta Oldrich, Lang Jan, Dvorakova Hana, Cejka Jan; Trifluoromethylated (tetrahydropyrrolo) quinazolinones by a new reaction and facile assignment of the regio- and stereoisomers formed by NMR spectroscopy; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 48(5); 2010; 375–385; doi: 10.1002/mrc.2580
  22. Vlach Jiri, Srb Pavel, Prchal Jan, Grocky Marian, Lang Jan, Ruml Tomas, Hrabal Richard; Nonmyristoylated Matrix Protein from the Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus Forms Oligomers; JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 390(5); 2009; 967–980; doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2009.05.063
  23. Brauer Gerhard, Anwand Wolfgang, Grambole Dieter, Egger , Sperr Peter, Beinik Igor, Wang Lin, Teichert , Kuriplach Jan, Lang Jan, Zviagins Sergei, Erik, Ling Chi Chung, Hsu Yuk Fan, Xi Yan Yan, Chen Xinyi, Djurisic Aleksandra B., Skorupa Wolfgang; Characterization of ZnO nanostructures: A challenge to positron annihilation spectroscopy and other methods; 6(11); 2009; 2556–2560; doi: 10.1002/pssc.200982081
  24. Vlach Jiri, Lipov Jan, Rumlova Michaela, Veverka Vaclav, Jan, Srb Pavel, Knejzlik Zdenek, Pichova Iva, Hunter Eric, Hrabal Richard, Ruml Tomas; D-retrovirus morphogenetic switch driven by the targeting signal accessibility to Tctex-1 of dynein; PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 105(30); 2008; 10565–10570; doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801765105
  25. Lang Jan, Dybal Jiri, Makrlik Emanuel, Vanura Petr, Vasickova Sona, Malon Petr; Extraction and DFT study on the complexation of H3O+ with hexaethyl p-tert-butylcalix[6]arene hexaacetate; JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 846(1-3); 2007; 157–160; doi: 10.1016/j.molstrue.2007.01.037
  26. Dvorakova Hana, Lang Jan, Vlach Jiri, Sykora Jan, Cajan , Himl Michal, Pojarova Michaela, Stibor Ivan, Lhotak Pavel; Partially O-Alkylated thiacalix[4]arenes: Synthesis, molecular and crystal structures, conformational behavior; JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 72(19); 2007; 7157–7166; doi: 10.1021/jo070927i
  27. Kriz Jaroslav, Dybal Jiri, Makrlik Emanuel, Vanura Petr, Lang Jan; A proton complex of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis (N,N-dimethylthioacetamide): NMR evidence and probable structure; SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY 19(6); 2007; 419–424; doi: 10.1080/10610270601089360
  28. Dybal J., Makrlik E., Vanura P., Lang J.; A combined experimental and theoretical study on the complexation of H3O+ with hexaethyl calix[6]arene hexaacetate; ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY \& CHEMICAL PHYSICS 221(4); 2007; 519–525; doi: 10.1524/zpch.2007.221.4.519
  29. Lang J, Vagnerova K, Czernek J, Lhotak P; Flip-flop motion of circular hydrogen bond array in thiacalix[4]arene; SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY 18(4); 2006; 371–381; doi: 10.1080/10610270600650790
  30. Lang J, Deckerova V, Czernek J, Lhotak P; Dynamics of circular hydrogen bond array in calix[4]arene in a nonpolar solvent: A nuclear magnetic resonance study; JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 122(4); 2005; doi: 10.1063/1.1814971
  31. Veverka V, Bauerova H, Zabransky A, Lang J, Ruml T, Pichova I, Hrabal R; Three-dimensional structure of a monomeric form of a retroviral protease; JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 333(4); 2003; 771–780; doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2003.08.049
  32. Lang J, Tosner Z, Lhotak P, Kowalewski J; Reorientational dynamics of two isomers of thiacalix[4]arene; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 41(10); 2003; 819–827; doi: 10.1002/mrc.1273
  33. Lhotak P, Himl M, Stibor I, Sykora J, Dvorakova H, Lang J, Petrickova H; Conformational behaviour of tetramethoxythiacalix[4]arenes: solution versus solid-state study; TETRAHEDRON 59(38); 2003; 7581–7585; doi: 10.1016/S0040-4020(03)01171-2
  34. Tosner Z, Lang J, Sandstrom D, Petrov O, Kowalewski J; Dynamics of an inclusion complex of dichloromethane and cryptophane-E; JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 106(38); 2002; 8870–8875; doi: 10.1021/jp026066t
  35. Cajan M, Lhotak P, Lang J, Dvorakova H, Stibor I, Koca J; The conformational behaviour of thiacalix[4]arenes: the pinched cone-pinched cone transition; JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-PERKIN TRANSACTIONS 2(11); 2002; 1922–1929; doi: 10.1039/b204955d
  36. Lang J, Dechter JJ, Effemey M, Kowalewski J; Dynamics of an inclusion complex of chloroform and cryptophane-E: Evidence for a strongly anisotropic van der Waals bond; JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 123(32); 2001; 7852–7858; doi: 10.1021/ja004349y
  37. Lang J, Vlach J, Dvorakova H, Lhotak P, Himl M, Hrabal R, Stibor I; Thermal isomerisation of isolation of all four conformers; JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-PERKIN TRANSACTIONS 2(4); 2001; 576–580; doi: 10.1039/b007887p
  38. Effemey M, Lang J, Kowalewski J; Multiple-field carbon-13 and proton relaxation in sucrose in viscous solution; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 38(12); 2000; 1012–1018; doi: 10.1002/1097-458X(200012)38:12<1012::AID-MRC785>3.0.CO;2-O
  39. Lhotak P, Kaplanek L, Stibor I, Lang J, Dvorakova H, Hrabal R, Sykora J; NMR and X-ray analysis of 25,27-dimethoxythiacalix[4] arene: unique infinite channels in the solid state; TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 41(48); 2000; 9339–9344; doi: 10.1016/S0040-4039(00)01696-8
  40. Czernek J, Lang J, Sklenar V; Ab initio calculations of spin-spin coupling constants in anhydrodeoxythymidines; JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 104(12); 2000; 2788–2792; doi: 10.1021/jp9937050
  41. Lang J, Chmelova K, Stepanek J, Kowalewski J, Holy A; Applicability of spectroscopic methods in the investigation of metal cation binding to adenine mononucleotides and their analogues; JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 481(SI); 1999; 363–367;
  42. Lang J, Dvorakova H, Bartosova I, Lhotak P, Stibor I, Hrabal R; Conformational flexibility of a novel tetraethylether of A comparison with the classical methylene-bridged compounds; TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 40(2); 1999; 373–376; doi: 10.1016/S0040-4039(98)02315-6
  43. Stepanek J, Kowalewski J, Lang J, Mojzes P; Spectroscopic investigation of nickel cation binding with adenine stability and structure of the 1 : 2 complex with adenosine 5 -monophosphate; JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3(5); 1998; 543–556; doi: 10.1007/s007750050266