2011 -
Doctoral study, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Branch of study: Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research
Work: Study of structure and dynamics of condensed matter by NMR methods
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Helena Štěpánková, CSc.
2009 - 2011
Master study, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Branch of study: Training Teachers of Physics at Higher Secondary Schools in Combination with Professional Physics
Work: Hyperfine interactions in hexagonal ferrites
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Helena Štěpánková, CSc.
2005 - 2009
Bachelor study, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Branch of study: Physics Directed Towards Education
Work: Methods for processing of NMR spin echo signals
Supervisor: RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner Ph.D.
2011 - 2005
Grammar school, Hranice
List of publications
- Laguta V., Buryi M., Pejchal J., Uličná K., Římal V., Chlan V., Štěpánková H., Zagorodniy Yu, Nikl M.; Incorporation of the Ce3+ activator ions in LaAlO3 crystals: EPR and NMR study; Journal of Solid State Chemistry 313(June); 2022; 123295; doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2022.123295
- Hanzlíček Tomáš, Perná Ivana, Uličná Kateřina, Římal Václav, Štěpánková Helena; The Evaluation of Clay Suitability for Geopolymer Technology; Minerals 10(10); 2020; 852; doi: 10.3390/min10100852
- Chlan Vojtech, Kouril Karel, Ulicna Katerina, Stepankova Helena, Töpfer Jörg, Seifert Daniela; Charge localization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in La, Pr, and Nd substituted Sr hexaferrites; Phys. Rev. B 92(12); 2015; 125125; doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.125125
- Uličná Kateřina, Štěpánková Helena, Římal Václav, Hanzlíček Tomáš, Perná Ivana; NMR study of aluminium coordination in clays; WDS 13 PROCEEDINGS OF CONTRIBUTED PAPERS PART III; 2013;